Thursday 12 February 2015

Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club: First Meeting Time & Place

It's time to fix the first meeting of the fledgling Cardiff Speculative Fiction Book Club, based on the results of the form.

  • The most popular meeting time is Tuesday 3rd March, 6pm.
  • The book for the first discussion will be Lock In by John Scalzi.

The easiest place to meet is probably the first floor of Wetherspoons Central Bar (the one sort of behind the KFC in Queen Street). It tends to be reasonably quiet there. After chatting about the book, we can then figure out where to meet for the second meeting (and what to read!)

I've created an event on Facebook: 

If you use FB, please do pop by, ask any questions, start conversations... or if you use Twitter, use a hashtag #cardiffsff to converse & make posts easy to find. Or use the comments on this blog.

Theoretically, there should be seven of us turning up on Tuesday 3rd March - that's a nice number if everyone turns up! (If you have filled in the web form and indicated that you can make it that day, please do get in touch if your plans have changed: it would be a bit awkward if there were 4 or 5 no-shows!!!)

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